Russian raven eats lesbian teen

Lady Dee's bedroom looks like a Valentine's Day card with its soft red duvet, fluffy ivory pillows, and painting of a crimson rose. In this atmospheric setting, romance blooms effortlessly between the tall teen and her Russian lover Amanda Black. The raven-haired lesbians entwine their long limbs in a fiery embrace: kissing, touching, and playing with each other's silky slim bodies. As their cute outfits come off, Amanda can't help but explore Lady's extra tight twat with her tongue. After an orgasmic face-fucking, the younger woman wants to show what she's learned from their time together. So, Lady Dee indulges Amanda with a POV pussy-eating and rimjob that has the Slavic beauty trembling into a clit-throbbing climax.

Uploaded: 2024.08.09
Released: 2017.01.29
